Committees & Roles

Brian's Committee Assignments

Assistant Whip

The assistant whip acts as Republican Whip and covers Republican Whip responsibilities in the absence of the Republican Whip.

Republican Whip Duties:

  1. Attends Leadership Meetings
  2. Maintains caucus discipline during floor action
  3. Assures member attendance during committee meetings, session and caucus
  4. Maintains accurate vote counts on floor actions
  5. Assists in Leadership communications to caucus members
  6. Acts as protocol officer for caucus
  7. Develops expertise on House rules and House/Senate joint rules
  8. Acts as liaison with county Republican chairs
  9. Assigns parking and office spaces
  10. Serves as caucus liaison with Sergeant at Arms
  11. Assists with Leadership and caucus member relationships

Appropriations Committee

The House Appropriations Committee considers the operating budget bill and related legislation, budget processes, and fiscal issues, such as pension policy and compensation. The committee also considers bills with operating budget fiscal impacts.

Community Safety Committee

The House Community Safety Committee considers a broad array of issues relating to the criminal legal system, including policing; crisis response; crime prevention; criminal penalties and sentencing; impaired driving; adult correctional programs; rehabilitation and reentry; and adult correctional institutions. The committee also considers issues relating to the registration and civil commitment of sex offenders.

Civil Rights & Judiciary Committee

The House Civil Rights & Judiciary Committee considers a wide variety of legal issues, including constitutional law; privacy rights; anti-discrimination measures; commercial law; torts; probate; guardianship; civil commitment; forensic mental health; firearms; common interest community issues involving liability and uniform laws; and eminent domain.

The committee also considers issues relating to courts and judicial administration; and family law issues such as marriage, marriage dissolution, child support, and adoption.

Human Services & Early Learning

(Assistant Ranking Member)

The House Human Services & Early Learning Committee considers a broad array of issues and services affecting children and families, including early learning; child care; child and youth development; child welfare services; children’s mental health; at-risk and homeless youth; juvenile justice; economic assistance programs; developmental disabilities; and long-term care.

Ranking Members duties are to:

  1. Represent the Caucus
  2. Manage Committee
  3. Floor Strategy and Debate
  4. Utilize Staff
  5. Caucus Briefings