
Priorities for District 12

Public Safety

  • Addressing the aggressive growth in crime rates.  Let’s empower our local Law Enforcement leaders and their agencies by:
    • Advocating for laws and policies that empower our local law enforcement agencies to enhance our living standards through effective law enforcement and education.
    • Working collaboratively with local, state and federal partners to properly address the following issues:
      • Dangerous Drugs
      • Mental Health
      • Homelessness
    • Tackling the critical issue of human trafficking and illicit drugs at the Southern Border is a key aspect of our campaign. These issues significantly influence the prevalence of dangerous drugs, mental health challenges and homelessness. My firsthand experience touring the Southern Border has given me a deep understanding of the current situation and its detrimental effects on Washington State and specifically areas within District 12.
    • Securing adequate funding for the recruitment, hiring and training of law enforcement.  Especially considering that Washington State ranks last in the nation for the number of officers per capita.

Private Property Rights

  • Upholding and safeguarding your personal and private property rights should be at the forefront and heart of every legislator in Washington State.  As your State Representative, this will consistently be at the top of my priority list. 
  • Constitutional Rights serve as the fundamental safeguard for every individual.  They are not mere cliches, but the foundation that has built our great nation and it’s the foundation that shall keep our nation and state great and the freedoms we are privileged to live under.

Helping Small Businesses Thrive

  • In our quest to stimulate small business growth, we must embrace innovative solutions that minimize over-regulation impacting these businesses, their employees, and their clientele. 
  • I am committed to exploring new ways to support your businesses and reduce unwarranted regulation.

Lowering Your Tax Burden

  • Washington State is amongst the frontrunners in the nation when it comes to taxation.  The burden of taxation has a negative impact on the escalating costs and inflation that we are experiencing.  I pledge to tackle these issues and only support legislation that supports vital and important tax based programs, departments, and projects.
  • Gas taxes are amongst the highest in the nation yet our roads, bridges, ferry systems and other critical infrastructure are failing.  
  • Individuals with fixed, low, and medium incomes are experiencing unprecedented financial pressure due to the rising costs of fuel, groceries, housing, healthcare, and other necessities. This is a reality I cannot ignore.
  • Reducing your tax burden and fiscal responsibility go hand in hand.

Fiscal Responsibility

  • Ensuring that your hard-earned tax dollars are effectively utilized for essential services that make this state and your communities thrive.
  • Transportation
    • Prioritize strategic planning and maintenance of our highways, bridges, ferry systems and other critical infrastructure for commerce, commuters, recreationists, and visitors throughout the State of Washington.
  • Exercise oversight on programs that do not contribute to the core functions of Government.

Local Government Authority & Autonomy

  • Let’s uphold the authority and autonomy of our unincorporated areas (Counties) and our incorporated areas (Cities), enabling them to govern locally without unwarranted overreach from the State.  Let’s empower our communities and their citizens that make up those communities to maintain the unique individuality that sets them apart.